

ASSIGNMENT: In this assignment, students critiqued an existing advertisement by creating an advertisement of their own using Word (or any other design program they were familiar with).

  • Students could revise an existing ad in a way that critiques it.
  • Students could create an ad for an imaginary product that in some way mocks/critiques existing ads.
  • Students could create an original ad for a real product. Example: if students noticed a socially responsible product that needed an ad campaign that did a better job of raising the public’s awareness for that product, they were invited to create one.

In this assignment, students had a lot of leeway to be creative. They could be completely serious or humorous and sarcastic. However, their ad needed to in some way have a critique and a social message behind it. Just like most real ads, this critique needed to be clearly communicated with visuals without a lot of writing – although clever slogans and titles were definitely welcome.

COURSE: WRIT 1122 (Winter 2016)
INSTRUCTOR: Rebekah Shultz Colby
STUDENT: Tess Mueske

ARTIST’S STATEMENT: In this piece, I tried to demonstrate the dichotomy between female modesty. Feminism encompasses all women and all beliefs–not just Westernized ideals of fashion and modesty. I have heard a lot of self-proclaimed feminists show pity towards Muslim women who choose to wear hijabs, burqas, or other types of headdresses. Feminism means fighting for women and their rights, but also empowering women to make their own decisions. In this example, it’s how women might outwardly express their internal faith. Women express modesty differently, whether that means wearing a pair of jeans or wearing a hijab.